"We all want to get laid, but nobody wants to get screwed."
Democracy is the holy grail, and since this is of the mythic Eutopia (“Wherefore not Utopie, but rather rightly / My name is Eutopie, a place of felicity”. -Anemolius (Thomas More, Utopia) it is only right and proper to write a perambulatory idyll. My apologies in advance if reading this proves it to be only palaverous chatter. In recompense, I offer this short version in the following three sentences and three parenthetical notes.
It is natural for the individual to yearn to be free to determine the course of its life (“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.” -Albert Einstein). The individual needs help to do this because life is perilous (“Life means suffering.” Buddhism, The Four Noble Truths). Therefore, the individual excogitates a science of politics whose true end is to coordinate a community of effort to enable the individual to overcome hardship and reach fulfillment (“And this will be found to agree with what we said at the outset; for we stated the end of political science to be the best end, and political science spends most of its pains on making the citizens to be of a certain character, viz. good and capable of noble acts.” -Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics).
Now for the long version . . . with quotes to highlight concepts, and illustrate that while none of these ideas are mine, I make them mine with my words.
I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom.
-Simone de Beauvoir-
Human have rights that arrive with us at birth, and incur an obligation upon adulthood. These rights are unalienable and thoroughly essential for humans to realize a fulfilled life. Each individual owes the same rights to every human at all times. What use is it to be human if we are not allowed to be fully human all the time? How can we be fully human without ensuring the race of humans can fulfill whatever destiny awaits. The goal for the individual is by definition the same goal for the race: fulfillment. It is natural among all things that in the best course of existence each and all live to be fulfilled. Only when calamity of some sort befalls the individual does fulfillment remain out of reach. Even a single failing adversely affects the whole race no matter how many individuals it contains. Every successfully fulfilled life expands the boundaries of the racial capacity. When human rights are not universal the advancement of the race depends on whim and chance. History is replete with extraordinary and lucky happenstances that contrived to preserve specific bits of individual knowledge at key times that advanced the capabilities of the race. Quick examples are Tycho Brahe's astronomical data being made public through a conniving Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton publishing his physics only at the determined prodding of an incredulous Robert Hooke. It is self evident that individual knowledge dispersed to the race is what makes the racial capability limitless (“The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man.” -Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, France, 1789).
All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.
-Samuel Butler-
The natural order of things makes it self-evident that all organisms have a specific role in the geosphere. The fulfillment of this role is good for the species. Any corruption of the greater good is a corruption of the individual good. Examining all the organisms of the geosphere, and their place upon it, the self-evident truth revealed is that the only role in which humans are a natural fit, that no other organism can fulfill, is that of caretaker of the geosphere.
“No one's immune now, to a world of problems.
No one's exempt now, from a world of pain!”
-Joan Jett-
To be human is to use our minds. To be human is to live to our fullest potential. To be human is to follow our instinct. But life is not easy. Life is hardship and suffering. Life is often far too short and tragic. Therefore, humans band together in social groups where individuals of different talents can help each other tackle the serious business of overcoming hardship and living comfortably and prosperous. The best social groups are the ones best prepared for any adversity, and therefore are by definition the most diverse group of talents available. Governing the actions of the human race in order to benefit every individual requires the science of politics. In order for the human race to fulfill its natural potential the science of politics must design utopia.
Government does not exist of itself. The individual creates government to use as a tool in the construction of a good life. The fundament of government is to benefit the individual. Conversely, it is the fundamental right of the individual to accept or refuse government. Therefore government must be responsive to the individual in order to exist.
I love my man as my fellow; but his scepter, real, or usurped, extends not to me,
unless the reason of an individual demands my homage;
and even then the submission is to reason, and not to man.
-Mary Wollstonecraft-
Fundamentally, there is no government if the individual chooses not to acquiesce. Government is merely a tool, and a fictional construct at that. Government on it's own is merely a notion. The individual, however, is real. Government has no rights. Only the individual has rights, and the purpose of government is to safeguard the rights of the individual.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
-Declaration of Independence-
It does not matter what the writers of these words thought when they sent people to die to make sure we remembered them. All that matters is what we do with them now that we have remembered them. This is where it starts. These words are ours now. These words are mine now. I wield them as weapon and armour.
Independence I have long considered as the grand blessing of life, the basis of every virtue; and independence I will ever secure by contracting my wants, though I were to live on a barren heath.
-- Mary Wollstonecraft
The nature of the individual is independence. The individual chooses to tolerate government in order to be able to live in safety and order, comfortable and prosperous, free and happy. The individual's good is dependent upon the good of all the other individuals met during the course of life. Harm done to any of those connected to an individual's life, whether directly or indirectly, will adversely affect that life. The greater good is by nature the individual good. The two cannot be separated.
"I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands
- one nation indivisible -
with liberty and justice for all."
-Original Pledge of Allegiance-
Note that it is “my” flag that is pledged allegiance. Globalism is by nature individualism. The global network is by nature the community network. Extended families are a step toward tribalism, as tribalism is a step toward nationalism, as nationalism is a step toward globalism. Globalism circles back to extended families to complete the circle successfully. Before we can organize the world we need to clean up our neighbourhoods. The collection of homes known as a neighbourhood is the basic building block of human society. Each neighbourhood is naturally unique. The people within form a community separate and distinct from other neighbourhoods. A network of independent neighbourhoods working together creates a society. This cooperative balkanization is a good thing as it allows culturally distinct enclaves to prosper individually and collectively through union. Diversity is a good thing. Union is a good thing. A single community cannot prosper alone. The global community cannot prosper fully if any single community within it does not prosper fully. Any disparity in the scope of the rights of the individual in any community will result in corruption, rebellion and repression. This revolt will spread in multifarious ways, attacking every institution of government – hence debilitating the ability of every individual to attain fulfillment. This is all self-evident.
In fact, it is a farce to call any being virtuous
whose virtues do not result from the exercise of its own reason.
-Mary Wollstonecraft-
The individual elects representatives for him to influence government at the following levels: family, neighbourhood, borough, municipality, county, commonwealth, region, nation, continent, hemisphere, and world. At each level except the two extremes there is a council that governs. The scope of this government is twofold. Firstly, government of those directly represented within the specific council. Secondly, government of the cooperation between all the councils of the lower level. The primary government is the council of neighbourhoods. Next is the council of boroughs, then the council of municipalities, the council of counties, of commonwealths, of regions, of nations, of continents and of hemispheres. Ultimately, the first and last decisions made in any neighbourhood are made by the neighbourhood council, the actual people being affected by those decisions, not someone far away in a mansion on a hill behind an electrified fence, stone walls and armed guards. People will naturally take care of their own backyards, and in this way we can take care of the world.
At each level the councils govern for the greater good of the integration of the units smaller than them. The government in this instance becomes part of the extended family. The government is no longer outside and other. The individual has immediate and lasting influence on the government, being able to walk over to the neighbourhood council member's house and chat over coffee and muffins. The individual has intimate access through geography and the neighbourhood council member to the borough council member, and on to the municipality & county council members. In effect, the individual has direct access to the workings of government, can influence government directly, has government as a part of everyday life, and can make government affect local life directly. Government will be responsive to the individual yet the chain of councils ensures there will be a long, deliberative process before any wide-sweeping changes are enacted. Changes can flow up or down the chain of councils, or even from the middle out in both directions, but never can a change be enacted over any geographic area without the consent of all the appropriate councils. In the end, no change takes place in your neighbourhood without your neighbourhood council agreeing to it. The individual has a direct and influencing voice on all matters of government that concern that individual.
The progression from smallest to largest is natural. Nature works from the inside, out; from the bottom, up. The smallest always defines what the largest will be. It is insanity to force humans to live backwards from the rest of nature, and cause them to work from largest to smallest; outside, in; top, down. The flow of nature is inexorable. Go with the flow, man.
"It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world."
-Mary Wollstonecraft-
The individual is free to pursue happiness in safety and equality as long as the individual respects the rights of other individuals to also live free to pursue their happiness in safety and equality. Transgressing an individual's right to live equally free limits the exercise of the perpetrator's right to act freely in a manner consistent with the offense. In that regard, rehabilitation is the only form of correction that does not abrogate the basic rights of life and safety of the perpetrator. Liberty is not freedom to do whatever one wishes regardless of consequences. There are consequences to every action. Therefore an individual's unalienable rights are contingent upon those same rights being unalienable to the entire human race. This equality of rights is the regulating force. If an individual decides to abrogate anyone's human rights then the individual has also decided to forfeit its own. This is an act of insanity. What else can it rationally be? Therefore, by action, it is obvious the individual is unbalanced emotionally, spiritually, intellectually or physically. The individual is in need of aid from the race, and it is the race's obligation to provide aid through proper government of resources.
“He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it.”
The individual cannot have any rights the race does not inherently possess. Naturally, the only acts that can be classified as crimes are those acts hostile to another individual's unalienable rights. The voluntary act of committing a crime is also voluntarily suspending the criminal's unalienable rights to liberty, equality, the pursuit of happiness, and all the other rights that flow from these limitless headwaters. The rights to life and safety can never be diminished. Without these there is no use for any other right. All other rights can be temporarily weakened by adjudication until the individual has received successful rehabilitation for its aberrant behaviour. Rehabilitation always includes making amends to all those who individuals who have been harmed. Treatment, rehabilitation and recovery are the only correctional tools for a just legal system. Punishment is not an option (“The punishment of criminals should be of use; when a man is hanged he is good for nothing” -Voltaire). A criminal act suspends the full exercise of one's unalienable rights to a degree commensurate with the crime, but never wholly negates any unalienable right. The actions of an unbalanced and criminal individual is not an open invitation for others to also commit crimes. A criminal act is a criminal act regardless of the excuse. Criminality is a disease of the mind, and needs be treated as such.
“Sometimes I'm right then I can be wrong
My own beliefs are in my songs
A butcher, a banker, a drummer and then
Makes no difference what group I'm in
I am everyday people.”
-Sly and The Family Stone, Everyday People-
The government will provide education for the individual. The right to good education is self-evident. Without education no individual can fulfill its purpose, and likewise, the race cannot fulfill its purpose. Access to good education is crucial, and government's only task is to make good education as free and as unfettered as possible. All individuals have the obligation to educate themselves in whatever talents they are adept. Education is successful when the individual can use its knowledge for the betterment of the race. In other words, when the individual can make a beneficial living using its education it is then free to leave school. The individual is never forced to leave school, though it is proper that lifetime students repay the community by working as teachers or teacher aides. Knowledge gained by the individual naturally benefits the community.
There must be an equal and cooperative branch of education that deals hands-on with the realities of work. This branch of education shall be the professional guilds. Every profession must be governed by a network of guilds in the same manner as the government has a network of councils. Every profession will have a guild repository where the sum total of the art and science of that profession is kept. Additionally, the guildhalls will serve as focal points of the communities and extensions of the education system. The number and placement of guildhalls will be as the density and placement of professionals necessitates. Membership and advancement in any guild is based solely upon knowledge of the art or science. Guilds will provide shelter, sustenance and advanced schooling for any who wish to apprentice. Mechanics (graduated apprentices) must work for their rewards, but still have access to all guild services unfettered by other restrictions. Artists, those mechanics lauded for their knowledge and excellence of achievement, are required to teach within the guild structure in order to have access to guild services.
It is natural that people that share the same interests help one another in all aspects of life. Let us not forget that all those marvelous artworks from the renaissance were the works of many artists, masters, journeymen and apprentices, working together in guilds. There probably was not ever a work of a single individual during that golden age of art. This cooperative effort may explain why many believe that period to be the highwater mark of artistic excellence. The same idea of cooperation applies to any endeavour, and is natural to the science of politics. Guilds will provide for the health and welfare requirements of all its members.
"Who is secure in all his basic needs? Who has work, spiritual care, medical care, housing, food, occasional entertainment, free clothing, free burial, free everything? The answer might be nuns and monks, but the standard reply is 'prisoners'"
-Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn-
The general health and welfare of the community at-large, that is, for all individuals, is the task of government. The object of government is to aid the individual in overcoming the hardships of life. What more need be said on the subject of hospitals, health care, medicines, therapies, etc, etc, etc. The individual is responsible to the community, and the community is responsible to the individual. Nobody falls through the cracks, nobody is abandoned, nobody gets a free ride. Recipients of any and all government aid must naturally reciprocate that aid in some manner best suited to the abilities of the individual. However, there is never any fetters upon aid given. Basic food, shelter and clothing should always be available to any who need them. Medical care is never a question of what can be afforded, only of what is the best treatment. The individual does not exist for government, government exists for the individual. Get real, people.
"They will have no private property. They will eat together, and their houses will be open to all. We'll tell them that they have no need of gold or silver because mere earthly wealth cannot compare to the gold in their hearts. Shall we make this law?"
-Socrates, The Republic, Plato-
Yes, make it law. Doctors, lawyers and politicians shall have no property, shall eat together in their guildhalls, and have their needs met by the community. The reason being is that these three professions are critical to the health of society, and there can be no individual in these professions striving to accumulate wealth and power. These professions are solely concerned with helping the individual and the community. They need no personal wealth. The community will naturally take care of them commensurate with their talents. In this way the best individuals will gravitate to these difficult jobs.
“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
-Theodore Roosevelt-
Law creates order, but safety equals power. The ability to defend without self-injury is paramount to safety. Safety requires having the wherewithal to overcome any danger. Safety is preparedness not avoidance. The individual must be self-sufficient in this regard. A community-level, multi-functional, wholly networked militia is essential for the safety of every individual. The protection and care of the communities through any disaster or crisis is the responsibility of this civil militia.
"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
-Emiliano Zapata-
Defense of the greater unit (i.e. nation or larger) against mortal danger from outside must always be evaluated, and be countered with appropriate preparedness. Along with an armed forces (including a strike force, an occupation force, an air force and a naval force) there must also be a technological corps, an earth corps, a medical corps, a space corps, an ambassadors corps, a peace corps & etc. There must be a corps and guild for every general profession. Every guild will maintain its own defense, and through cooperation, the defense of the greater unit. In this way the mobilization of the individual for the benefit of the community against hardship is natural. All the guilds and corps are configured exactly as the government of councils, and constitutes a separate but equal branch of government – that of welfare (Definition of welfare according to Merriam-Webster: Etymology: Middle English, from the phrase “wel faren”, to fare well. 1 : the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity. 2a : aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need. 2b : a program through which such aid is distributed) services, charged with nurturing and protecting the health and welfare of the individual.
KISS -- Keep It Simple, Stupid
-Alcoholics Anonymous Slogan-
No blood should ever be spilled without just cause, and the only just cause is the defense of human rights. If war is thrust upon utopia, the reaction must be swift, decisive and always partnered with a diplomatic effort toward peace. When attacked, utopia will strike the attackers with indivisible and irrevocable force. When utopia wins, the enemy is helped back up again as a friend.
“Dope will get you through times of no money better than
money will get you through times of no dope.”
-Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers-
The individual must hold this truth to be self-evident: all resources are finite except the human capacity. Finite resources and individual freedom naturally converge to provide each individual with an equal share of resources. Land, minerals, water, air, food, shelter, money, life, everything is finite except the ability of the individual to overcome all hardship. Preparedness is the natural human answer to hardship. In this regard it is self-evident that every individual needs community in order to overcome the major hardships of life. Therefore the right to community is inviolable. Further, the right to travel freely between communities in order to pursue happiness is a self-evident right of the individual. Resources being finite, and the geosphere being what it is, that all individuals must be able to move freely around the world in order for the race to prosper is undeniable. Chaining the poor to their own shores is slavery (Speaking to the concerns voiced by Benito Mussolini, the Father of Fascism“We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly bound to their native shores.”).
Every individual has the right to gain as much resources and wealth as they possibly can, with only one caveat: wealth and power that does not benefit the community is obviously in the possession of an unbalanced individual. No healthy individual would leech the vitality of other individuals for personal gain. The only good reason to gain power and wealth is to use them as tools to benefit the community. It is already acknowledged that benefit to one individual is benefit to all individuals in any way interconnected with the life of that one individual. Therefore power and wealth naturally used can only be to benefit all. So, the parameters of this proviso is nothing more than an affirmation of the individual's unalienable rights (and there should be no need, actually, to go further about this because greed, hence capitalism, is so obviously a crime against human rights).
“Whenever there is a conflict between human rights and property rights,
human rights must prevail.”
-Abraham Lincoln-
Property is a mischievous thing. Quickly then, the high points and then I will then move on. Only individuals can own property of any kind. Only one individual can own a thing. Owning a thing incurs an obligation to use the thing in a manner that respects every individual's rights. the individual has no right to inherit anything from any dead individual. Upon adulthood every individual gains an equal share of utopia's resources. Upon death everything the individual accrued during life reverts back to the community to be redistributed. During life the individual has its beginning stake to exercise its full rights in finding fulfillment. Should the individual fail, and lose the ability to provide adequately for itself, then the government's obligation to the individual is clear. The government must rehabilitate the individual so that the individual can strive for fulfillment. It is clear that any individual who squanders its life stake is in a state of unhealthiness, and must be aided. Treatment, rehabilitation and recovery are again the catchwords for this problem.
"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death."
-Leonardo da Vinci-
It is self-evident that all individuals have equal rights, and that only individuals have rights of any kind. There is only the individual, all else is construct. Birth and death are obviously the beginning and end of the individual. Birth is life for the individual and the race. Death is the end of an individual and a dying of the race. Birth and death define the lifespan of the individual. Alive is alive, full of unalienable rights. Dead is dead, without any rights. The individual has no claim to any rights outside the limit of the individual's unique lifespan. The fetus does not have a right to life, children do not have a right to inheritance, adults do not have a right to anything after death.
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism
because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”
-Benito Mussolini-
Corporations are a crime against the individual. Corporations are a lie given rights. Obviously the situation is an impossible one, for how can an imaginary entity have rights? Even more insane, how can a fictitious entity have more rights than an individual? Society must deal in realities not fantasies. Shall we bow in homage, and suffer up our tithe to the god of Archer Daniels Midland? Corporations are simply a swindle. As such, they have no place in a healthy community.
"There's this man who lives in the sky, and he has ten things he doesn't want you to do,
and you'll burn for a long time if you do them.
But he loves you."
-George Carlin-
Religion, by nature, is an individual's connection to the divine within one's self. As such it reinforces every aspect of this utopia. It needs to be said that any removal of religion to a power outside the individual is nothing more than a vicious lie designed to enslave the individual. There is no power in life greater than the free will of the individual. There are no gods or devils save nature and self. All else is fabrication and hallucination. Individuals can believe in whatever religion they wish, or no religion at all. Religion is in the business of individual spirituality, not government. As long as religion does not place one individual over another individual it presents no threat to utopia, and is, in fact, a reinforcing strut in the society.
“Condemn me, it does not matter, history will absolve me.”
-Fidel Castro-
The transition to this system would be chaotic as the old power elites tried to hang on to their status quo. There definitely will be intense conflicts as the criminals among us try to become feudal warlords within the new system. Holding fast to the principles of human rights against all adversity is the only way to to achieve a utopian system. Fundamental to all law and law enforcement must be the protection of every individual's human rights. Every decision made must uphold, at its core, the inviolability of human rights. That is paramount. Everything else will come out right if the system retains integrity. Individuals will be allowed to express themselves in life to the best of their own ability, and communities of individuals will be able to seek to fully empower the race. What exactly people would accomplish under this utopia is entirely up to them, and that's the point – to allow humans to be human, no matter where it takes us. Are we good or evil? I don't know, and frankly, I don't give a damn. My only concern is for the individual, and therefore the future of the race.
This utopia is predicated upon the paradox that the individual and the race are one at the core. That never can individual virtue exceed racial virtue, and never can racial virtue exceed individual virtue. What is virtuous for one is virtuous for the other. The reverse is also true, what is vicious for one is vicious for the other. Fulfillment lies on the path of virtue, despair lies on the path of viciousness. I am speaking of heaven and hell.
“It's a great day for a ball game; let's play two!”
-Ernie Banks-
What would I change in Utopia in order for me to be ruler for life?
“The more corrupt the republic, the more numerous the laws.”
-Tacitus- Common paraphrase from “Life and Customs of Giulio Agricola”
If I were to ensure my position as maximum leader I would argue, rightly, that Utopia does not blossom full-blown. Naturally, Utopia is the result at the pinnacle of the growth cycle. There would need to be a transition to Utopia. Here I would slowly take the people down a side road, so to speak. I would introduce a series of laws designed to refocus the individual's identity toward specifically defined groups. Once there are well-defined 'others' it is a simple matter to accelerate the process of making the individual forget that everybody is 'other.' The idea that 'others' don't have the same rights as 'we' do is central to corrupting the system. I would make all the others forget that it is self-evident that every individual has unalienable rights or no individual has unalienable rights.
“Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep. It starts when you're always afraid. Step outa line and the Man come and take you away...”
-Stephen Stills, For What it's Worth-
I would define artificial limits on individual rights. I would control the collective identity. I would accentuate the differences in groups of people, and set one group against another in competition for power. I would keep the population tame with entertainment, and spotlight a bugbear ever-present, ever-dangerous, ever-outside, to instill fear in the masses.
Justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger (338c)
Justice is obedience to laws (339b)
Justice is nothing but the advantage of another (343c).
Justice is obedience to laws (339b)
Justice is nothing but the advantage of another (343c).
How? There are a myriad ways. One way is to change in common parlance the meaning of words. For example, changing the usage definition of “ethical” to “legal,” and then engineering laws that favour inequality between groups of people. The result is that people can do bad things yet claim them legal, therefore ethical, and, most confounding, the perpetrators are not only untouchable but to be lauded and emulated. Another way is to use the old opiate for the masses trick -- keep the population misinformed, confused and comfortably numb. Yet another way is to present some great adversity that must be overcome that necessitates a unified response. If I can take away the people's right to bear arms I can proceed without fear of retribution because only terrorists (by my new legal definition) will have arms – and I can deal with them as I wish. I would also ensure control of a media that pretends to be fair and balanced. Putting the media in the hands of a very few people, all connected to me, I would then use it to manipulate a bugbear to scare and cow the masses into submission. As a built-in reward for accepting the status quo I would provide endless entertainment on all media outlets, and lubricate society's sores with plenty of state-approved recreational and therapeutic drugs (e.g. alcohol and xanax). I would allow a coordination of perks (i.e. wealth) to enter the system whereby those who help me maintain power get more material wealth than they deserve. I would take the focus off the individual and put it back onto the national identity. Of course, I would be the personification of that identity . . . thanks to the media and money. Oh yes, money. Ahh, the religion of capitalism . . . what better way to control the masses?
There are many ways but all require a bit of luck to last until the existential end. This all works better if a little of each kind of subterfuge is used. That way no single offense rises to the level of inciting large numbers of individuals. Since one of the methods is to divide the people, it is a simple matter to direct the attacks at different groups, whereby no group is likely to help another. Fundamentally, I must constrain the rights of the people I would rule. I must put blinders on the people so they must follow my voice to 'safety.'
However, if I could live in my utopia I would have no need to be ruler . . . because I, the individual, would be master of my own destiny. That is more than any ruler can say.
“If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why, can't I?”
-E.Y. Harburg, Somewhere Over the Rainbow-

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