Thursday, April 09, 2009


(on Feb. 11, 2010, this poem won Honorable Mention in the "Unity College Writing Center's Valentine's Day Poetry/Songwriting/Flash Fiction Contest")


Every time our eyes meet
and your smile sparkles a starry welcome
of comets and rainbow bridges
exalting in a celestial symphony
with a vortex of black holes bursting
amid gemstone crescendoes of brilliant novas
ever so quietly in a breathless faint
the Butterfly of Love flutters
still within
the lonely soul of my heart
a spell of rapture so intense
the very fabric of the Universe is rent
and the center of All
in a radiance bright and kind
is the giggle of your smile
and the center of All
in a piercing bright and kind
is the daring of your eyes
and the center of All
in a rhythm bright and kind
is the melody of your voice
and the center of All
in a boldness bright and kind
is the fragrance of your form
my heart, my soul, my All
my eyes caress every word set free
by your crimson lush lips
your every happy laugh
bubbles merrily through my mind
in marvelous rippling shivers of delight
the sound of paradise
the carefree Eden
. . .

You laugh
and it All fades away
there's just You
and I'm Yours.

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